Something New Every Day

A record of doing a new thing every day in 2011

Trying "No food on plane" anti jet-lag diet (35/365) Friday February 4, 2011

It been a long journey home from Seattle (and still going on). I’ve done this trip far too many times now, and the duration makes it very hard to fit something new in.

However I’ve been wanting to try something for quite a while. A few months back there was an investigation on The Gadget Show about different ways of beating jet-lag. The most successful one was trying to reset your body clock by not eating for 12 hours, and then eating normally when you arrive.

If I remember correctly, the science behind it was there are two internal clocks in the body. The one triggered by light, and another triggered by food. Supposedly if you trick the body into resetting itself by not eating while in transit, you’ll recover much quicker. A quick Bing found an article on the BBC website with some details.

Well so far so good - but too early to tell. I’m sitting in Heathrow waiting for my connection to Newcastle, and despite only getting at most 2 hours sleep I don’t feel too bad. I’m tired but don’t have that disorientated feeling I usually have.

Now all I need to do is tackle today’s task before falling asleep!

Update: Bloody hell I think it worked! I’ve had two decent nights sleep after I got home, and although I’m a little tired (what’s new?) I got up to make my early train down to London like normal. Will definitely try this again.