Something New Every Day

A record of doing a new thing every day in 2011

M&S Mushroom and Onion Pie (238/365) Friday August 26, 2011

This is dull but it’s definitely new.

Friday is usually the hardest day for new things, as I’m almost always working at home after a long week in that London and can’t be arsed to do much. Anyway, this Friday Hilary was really helpful in buying me a new type of pie from M&S. It was not bad, but reasonably helpful in my ongoing diet (still going well, 4lb of body fat lost in 2 weeks)

Most interesting thing was after doing a search (Bing obviously) the details of the pie were on the LiveStrong website with all the nutrional data. Wouldn’t have guessed that!

Tomorrow’s entry is much more interesting I promise.