Something New Every Day

A record of doing a new thing every day in 2011

Pasta with Sausage (341/365) Wednesday December 7, 2011

It’s been a long year trying to come up with new things every day, and some days have been better than others. This wasn’t a great day.

I’d done a few frankly poor quality new things in the day, but by the time I was having some average M&S macaroni cheese for my dinner I was still somewhat lacking for inspiration.

However Ben was making himself some veggie sausages, and he was kind enough to give me half a one. At a stroke my meal was transformed into something quite nice, and the novel (to me) combination of sausage and pasta was really good. One to re-experiment with in the future.

Things will improve next week, and for everyone following in “real time” I’m a few posts behind so will have something better very soon.