Something New Every Day

A record of doing a new thing every day in 2011

Learnt how to make a transparent PNG file (27/365) Thursday January 27, 2011

My ongoing quest to get my Bedside Clock phone app is nearly complete, so I’m just trying to wrap up all the odd fit and finish jobs before it’s unleashed on an unsuspecting public.

One thing I needed to do was design an icon for the app, which is shown on both the list of apps and on the home page as a tile if set by the user. Now I wanted the icon to be “theme aware” so it would reflect the colour scheme selected by the user.

This is reasonably easy to do, as you just need to make a transparent PNG file, and WP7 will do the rest. However I’d never done that before, and my graphics package of “choice” (MSPaint) doesn’t let you set the transparency.

After a bit of Binging I found out that Paint.Net - a free graphics package actually does this. It’s a pretty impressive free tool, and very suitable for someone like me who has very few graphical design skills. I’ll definitely add it to my toolbox of useful software packages.